Improve Cost Tracking & Compliance Per Vehicle with New Fuel Card Management Updates
We’ve added two new features to the Fuel & Energy menu to help you manage and capture transactions from Native Fuel Card Integrations easier.
With fuel and maintenance making up the vast majority of costs tracked by fleets in Fleetio, here is what we've added to help you stay on top of fuel card usage and spend more effectively:
New Fuel Card Menu + Index Page: Now you can organize all of your Native Fuel Card integrations and handle card assignments in one place, helping to automate transactions needed for cost per mile tracking per vehicle.
New Setting Added to Fuel History Index: We moved the"Unassigned Fuel Transactions" feature from your Integrations Settings to the Fuel History Index, allowing you to resolve transactions directly on the same page where you track fuel trends.
Only Account Owners and Administrators with the Manage Integrations permission can access these features. To learn more about Fuel Card Integrations check out the following Help Center article.